The PureVision Multi-Focal are monthly lenses from Bausch & Lomb. They have been specially developed to enable people with presbyopia to see clearly and comfortably. Presbyopia is a natural phenomenon that occurs from the age of 40 to 50 years. The lens loses its flexibility and can no longer focus properly on near objects. PureVision Multi-Focal contact lenses have different levels of vision, allowing you to see at all distances. Reading glasses can be dispensed with and working on the screen is also possible again without additional visual aids.
The innovative material Balafilcon A is a silicone hydrogel with a water content of 36%. It hardly absorbs any moisture from the eye and is very permeable to oxygen. The advantages of this material pay off particularly well with multifocal lenses, which are often worn over long periods of time. Drying out is prevented and the eye receives sufficient oxygen in a natural way. This enables people with dry eyes to enjoy a long-lasting, pleasantly moist feel and high visual comfort.
The lens surface was treated with a novel process that counteracts the deposition of dirt particles and proteins. The contact lenses stay clean and provide a clear and sharp view in the near, medium and long distance range even when worn for longer periods of time.
The PureVision Multi-Focal is designed for continuous wear over a period of up to 30 days. They do not have to be taken out at night in consultation with the ophthalmologist or optician. The lenses are very easy to handle and offer optimum visual comfort at any time of day or night.