Sauflon Clariti 1 day toric soft toric 1-day contact lenses Sauflon, high oxygen permeable silicone hydrogel material. ( VISILENS One Day PREMIUM TORIC are the exact same lenses , from the same manufacturer as the Clariti 1 day toric!)
Toric world's first, highly oxygen-permeable premium one-day lens made of silicone hydrogel material for high wearing comfort and long wear times pleasant. Silicone hydrogel lenses are today the most adapted lenses. In some markets already today 70% of all readjustments with spherical silicone hydrogel lenses are made. Until recently, this contact lens material as the material was not available for daily lenses. Clariti 1day toric raises through an oxygen permeability value of Dk/t out of 86, which means that can reach up to 3.5 times more oxygen to the eye than conventional 1-day-hydrogel lenses. The low modulus of 0.50 MPa and the high water content of 56% characterize the soft, comfortable to wear Clariti 1day toric. A switch from conventional one-day lenses is facilitated by these properties. High oxygen permeability Dk/t = 86 provides 3.5 times more oxygen than conventional hydrogel lenses, so that is given with Clariti 1day toric a high wearing comfort even to the end of the day.
High water content: Beneficial for the biocompatibility of calriti 1day toric surface with the eyes. Lower degree of stiffness (modulus of technical term): The proportion of silicone, silicone hydrogel lenses "stiffer" than conventional hydrogel lenses. The lower the Moduluswert is, the softer the lens, which leads directly to the onset of a spontaneous pleasant comfort. Clariti 1day toric points at 0.50 MPa to a low Moduluswert. Very good setup: a lens, the relaxed comfort and promotes corneal health is characterized by the correct balance of oxygen permeability, untreated surface, high surface wetting, low Moduluswert and high water content. With respect to this balance of properties is Clariti 1day toric standards.